Date: December 2022

Short description: As a starting point, this report establishes a multiple-uncertainty analysis framework for integrated assessment modelling of several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It introduces a two-level integration of climateeconomy modelling and portfolio analysis, to simulate technological subsidisation with implications for multiple SDGs, across socioeconomic trajectories, and considering different levels of uncertainties.

Download Link: D4.2 First portfolio analysis of technological and policy mixes

Date: December 2022

Short description: A low-carbon transition is urgently needed to meet the 1.5C Paris climate targets. The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, however, has imposed widespread economic burdens, including declines in investments and employment, which have hindered the development of many sectors, including clean energy.

Download Link: D4.6 Second portfolio analysis of technological and policy mixes

Date: September 2019

Short description: This document presents the eight modelling tools to be used in WP7 of the PARIS REINFORCE research project. Its aim is to provide a good overview of each of the documented models for a large variety of stakeholders of climate policymaking at the global level.

Download Link: D7.1 Documentation of Global IAMs

Date: May 2020

Short description: WP7 focuses on global stocktaking of climate efforts, and six global models will be used for a series of extensive model inter-comparisons. The purpose of the first round of global modelling is to provide a global context of where we are heading with current policies and where we are supposed to be heading to comply with the Paris goals for temperature change. Therefore, the global models will be run in a coordinated way, providing the best scientific basis for a model inter-comparison exercise.

Download Link: D7.2 Interlinkages of global IAMs with the I2AM PARIS platform