A detailed, technical documentation of global, regional, and national models for climate policy.
An interactive library of the models, in the form of a responsive infographic, with regard to their coverage, granularity, representation, and features.
A collection of training and teaching material on modelling tools such as energy models, minigrid models, input-outputs models, and more.
A comparative documentation of global models, models for Europe, and models for countries outside Europe that are part of the PARIS REINFORCE project ensemble.
This tool creates on-demand heatmaps that indicate how different variables are handled across the different models within the PARIS REINFORCE consortium.
A multi-model analysis of long-term emissions and warming implications of current global mitigation efforts
A stakeholder-driven model inter-comparison assessing where the EU is headed given its current climate policy
This workspace includes the CINEA Climate Neutrality WGII Shared Recovery Policy Database for modelling research
An assessment of current policy and net-zero emissions scenarios through an index decomposition and sectoral benchmarking exercise
An analysis of climate-employment co-benefits of green recovery packages in six major emitting regions
A global analysis of pre-Glasgow policies, NDCs, and net-zero targets with a focus on regional feasibilities
A multi-model analysis of EU's transition from "Fit for 55" in 2030 to net zero by 2050
Integrated assessment and energy system modellers are welcome to submit documentation of their models. The template to fill in the required information can be found here, and an example based on the GCAM model can be found here. Please e-mail the template filled in for your model to
diamond@epu.ntua.grFor any information do not hesitate to contact us.